Health Benefits Eating Seaweed

Among the most prominent foods of the future in the West, we have seaweed, although it has to be said that in some Eastern countries it has been present for hundreds of years because they have never stopped consuming it.

And because of its number of properties and due to having been studied also at many Universities around the world, it has become very popular among the diets of those who seek quality food. Hence, it´s increasingly revalued as our food of the future.

That’s why I’d like to share with you the number of benefits it provides, as well as introduce you to some simple seaweed that you can easily add to your diet today. Just look at seaweed as your best ally!

1. What is Seaweed?

Seaweed is a marine vegetable that has been the first life form transforming the atmosphere of our planet Earth helping to a generous evolutionary development. So, it´s our closest ancestor, and it´s also the maximum responsible for life as we know it, emitting 70% of the oxygen of this planet.

First of all, it´s important to differentiate seaweed from other sea plants, and it will be easy for you to do so if you dedicate a few days to go to different beaches. Where you can experience watching plus taking advantage of the summer tides, where you can walk through areas normally covered by water, discovering wonderful fields where seaweed is mixed with its different colors and textures adorning beaches and rocks, but notice seaweed has no stems, leaves, roots, or vascular systems.

It´s an extraordinary food with high nutritional, healing, and preventive properties with applications in both health and cosmetics that you are going to be amazed by while you keep reading…..

3. Seaweed use in cosmetics

We find every day more information about the care to be taken on our skin, without forgetting that it´s another organ of our body, which has often been forgotten, and we should protect it from the environment as well as the excesses to which sometimes we subject it. I think it must be understood that if the skin is part of one of the body’s pathways to get rid of toxins along with the kidneys, liver, intestines, and lungs. It´s essential to take proper precautions to make it work the best way we can when we think holistically.

That´s the reason why I’d like to comment a little more about why seaweed incorporation into the cosmetic world is becoming increasingly popular:

  1. It focuses on helping the skin achieve its natural balance thanks to its active elements such as moisturizing power because of its water content and effectiveness against acne, plus the elimination of toxins in the skin. Give yourself the pleasure to try it!
  2. It also has a great anti-aging effect, being used in anti-aging products because of its antioxidant power as well as its vitamin E and C content. being a great alternative to protect against free radicals which contribute to our skin aging!.
  3. With anti-cellulite effects for its stimulating effect on blood circulation, it helps to remove fat in certain areas of the body, just like the cellulite or orange peel visibility decreases.
  4. It helps to get rid of wrinkles, due to its detoxifying and purifying power, therefore collaborating in the delay of them plus renewing at the same time the skin cells.
  5. It also helps to strengthen nails and hair, preventing hair loss and regenerating it as well.

It´s amazing, that thanks to its application, our body can obtain these nutrients through the epidermis and benefit from them, as well as from other antioxidant and antiviral properties.

2. Seaweed use in diet

Seaweed consumption has recently become fashionable, and it needs to be said that it´s not a new food since it was already consumed by our farthest ancestors. Although, it has been forgotten for many years, and people nowadays realize that this “Superfood” is a wonder of nature.

You would be surprised by the nutritional value of these sea vegetables essential in our daily diet, due to their high content of minerals and trace elements as they reinforce and remineralize our bone structure.

And also essential to mention its alkaline effect on the blood, purifying our circulatory system from the acidic effects of the modern diet. Just like it dissolves fat, cholesterol, and mucus deposit by excess saturated fats and dairy product…and What else?

  • Contains about 30 minerals highlighting some: iodine, potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, bismuth, sulfur, chlorine, cobalt, rooster, tin, iron, and calcium. Specially Calcium, you would be surprised to know that amounts are higher than dairy products, as well as in proportions that also help their assimilation and fixation in the bones.
  • It has trace elements: copper, zinc, cobalt, magnesium, selenium, plus also proteins, carbohydrates, and essential fatty acids.
  • Contains vitamin C, D, E, and pro-vitamin K including those in group B, the latter one with anti-hemorrhagic properties. Plus having as much vitamin A as cabbage and as much vitamin C as an orange.
  • Rich in chlorophyll, excellent blood and bowel scrubber, and antimicrobial properties.
  • It´s useful in diets to lose weight and prevents obesity since among many things tit helps to moderate the appetite as its high iodine content acts on the thyroid regulating and activating it, so it activates metabolism and calorie burning.

Then remember, this ¨Superfood¨ provides essential nutrients by consuming small amounts added to our usual healthy diet… so I highly recommend you start getting all its benefits TODAY!

3. Simple seaweed to introduce in your diet

Among some best-known seaweed to be highlighted are Kombu, Wakame, Arame, Agar-Agar, Nori, Spirulina, and Spaghetti of the sea. They are very versatile in their preparation giving color, flavor, and texture to different recipe dishes whether you add them to vegetable soup, legumes, salads, or as a companion to any other dish. And the best thing is that they’re easy to get if you buy them online right now, or at any specialty store.

  • Kombu: It´s the best one to cook with cereals and legumes as if it were a leaf of laurel, needing a 30-40 minute cooking.
  • Wakame: Ideal in soups cooked in 10 minutes or salad simply soaked.
  • Arame: It´s not an Atlantic seaweed and the one you buy is already precooked, so slight cooking or soaking is enough, for stews, salads, and especially for the woman and her reproductive system.
  • Agar-Agar: It can be found in different formats such as bars, flakes, powder. It helps to refresh the body and relax, pus it´s ideal for summer desserts. It has to be cooked until is dissolved, and when cooled it generates soft and refreshing gelatin, which you can use with all kinds of fruits.
  • Nori: It´s a red seaweed that stands out for being rich in fiber, betacarotene, proteins, and micronutrients, so ideal in any type of diet. And it also helps in the mutation of cancer cells.
  • Spirulina: It´s full of properties that benefit the immune system, with more than 70% complete proteins.
  • Spaghetti of the sea: Among its main properties stands out its high iron content, as it has 10 times more than legumes, making it ideal in deficiencies or anemia. It also has a lot of vitamins, mainly from group B, and a high content of calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.

5. Conclusion

Seaweeds have become nowadays a focus of research to help people who are at risk of diabetes and vascular diseases, but also a focus for people just like you, who want to give themselves a gift of quality health to their life. There are so many good things that provide to consume them in our diet, as well as to apply them in our body, that it´s impossible to resist to them. Why don´t you start enjoying all their benefits today, loving yourself a bit more with the food of the future!

I hope you enjoyed this article and if you have any questions, you can ask me anytime!

Love always,

Mónica :-))

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