How To Obtain Optimal Health-5 Natural Principles

I would like to talk to you about 5 natural principles, nutrients, and products that if they are included in our diet and lifestyle habits, our health will improve in a natural, simple and visible way within a short time.

Because sometimes life is simpler than it seems, and only a few simple steps can improve in a heartbeat.

So let me invite you to add these 5 grounds to your life cart:

  1. The sun and vitamin D3
  2. Living water
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Organic sulfur
  5. Vitamin B12

1. The sun and vitamin D3

In modern daily life, we don´t take the amount of sun needed to assimilate and generate vitamin D3, as it´s stored in fat tissue helping the body to assimilate calcium, therefore being fundamental to the normal development of our body. And I say this because in general, we live most of the time locked in buildings without getting in contact with the sun in the most important hours between 11 to 16 hours.

The point is that when the brain does not receive enough sunlight it records that we need to rest, becoming asleep or in lethargy slowing down our metabolism, because it believes we need to save more energy tending to economize it and save it.

And on top of that our body accumulates more fat! That’s why the sun and vitamin D3 are essential to better digestion and blood circulation and nervous system functioning. So if after reading this you wonder, how long is the recommended sun exposure daily? Just think it´s only 30 minutes of sunshine a day, so I am sure you can afford it!

2. Living water

It is true that within natural and holistic medicine we concentrate on food together with other guidelines, although sometimes we forget the relevance of water by relegating it into a second-place, without giving it the importance as a therapeutic basis.

Because if we really think about it we’re water, and everything we drink is going to nourish our cells. Although, drinking fluid is not the same as drinking water, because our body is designed to hydrate with structured living water and mineral salts. Most people suffer from chronic dehydration because they drink fluids that don´t moisturize or nourish the body.

Hence, this chronic dehydration manifests in symptoms such as loss of thirst, hypertension, wear, increased cholesterol, dyspepsia, asthma, weight gain, and premature aging.

That is why it is essential to rehydrate properly by drinking 8 to 10 glasses a day, spread out throughout the day, and without forgetting that the whole mineral salt is essential for water to hydrate our body.

I highly recommend spring water, but if you can’t access it easily, the easiest thing is to opt for a filtering system. I have been using Alkanatur’s jug and filter for more than 10 years and I highly recommend it, as it restores purity and natural vitality to the water, plus it can be also be used for cooking, watering your plants, make face creams, etc.

3. Vitamin C

These days, we all know that a strong immune system prepared to fight potential enemies whether they are colds or cases of flu is one of the keys when betting on getting foods rich in vitamin c. Although perhaps the important thing is to know that taking it is necessary because it helps us generate collagen, which is needed to grow and repair tissues in all parts of the body.

Did you know that vitamin c is used to create this protein in charge of producing skin, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, as well as heal wounds? Amazing, so why don´t you go and juice it?

And although humans are not as lucky as the animals to produce it, since we have lost that capacity along with primates. We are very lucky to know that a person needs to take 90 milligrams a day and a pregnant woman needs 250, although the optimal intake of vitamin c to keep ourselves healthier can be between 2000 to 4000 mg of vitamin c.

So keep the vitamin up!

4. Organic Sulfur

I don’t know if you know that organic sulfur or MSM is an essential substance for our body, that´s why I would like to share why because many people don´t know about it, as it´s involved in numerous necessary metabolic processes such as the production of amino acids plus also hormones and enzymes.

At the same time, it helps us to strengthen nerves by improving pain resistance, strengthening our skin, bones, and hair. Hence, it is essential to take about 5 grams a day to replenish the amount of organic sulfur needed in our bodies. And of course, this way you can decrease inflammations, improve digestions, detoxify the body, plus accelerate the recovery process.

And although a person has approximately 150 grams of organic sulfur in the body, it´s lost over time. Hence, it is essential to replenish the amount of organic sulfur needed in our body finding it on fresh raw foods including fruits, vegetables, and meat just like you can find it also in powder or pills.

5. Vitamin B12

From the age of 50, our ability to produce B12 also decreases, and if you didn´t know when reading this article, knowing it’s a gift, as having B12 deficiency can lead to major health disorders such as processes of degeneration of the nervous system, neurons, causing among other things lack mobility and dementia problems…

Vitamin 12 or cobalamin as it contains cobalt, it´s a water-soluble vitamin essential for the normal functioning of the brain, nervous system, and the formation of the blood plus various proteins, being one of the eight vitamins of the B group. It´s usually involved in the metabolism of cells in the human body, especially in the synthesis and regulation of DNA, such as in the metabolization of fatty acids and glycid amino acids.

So what we should know is that the recommended amount of vitamin B12 to take is 2.4 to 2.8 micrograms a day, although it´s important to know that sometimes even if we take certain high vitamin B12 meals such as meat, seafood, dairy, and eggs, we may have a deficiency because of its poor absorption. This is already another more complex topic that we may see later on…

I really encourage you to integrate these 5 foundations daily along with a good development of necessary nutrition plus lifestyle habits, if you want to live a balanced and healthy life holistically.

Thanks for reading this article and if you have any questions please ask any time.

Love always,

Mónica :-))

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