A Cheap Health Insurance

One of the main problems manifests itself when it´s food time making many mistakes. And what I mean by this is something that I’m sure we’ve all experienced: “Eating too much.” Although, if you have not stopped to think about it just yet “Eating excessively” is one of the main causes of many diseases, so I invite you to reflect, since maybe eating in moderation can be your life guarantee, as well as the cheapest life insurance within yourself´s reach.

So let me share with you some simple balanced diet ideas that you can start exploring TODAY:

  1. Express gratitude to the food
  2. Pay attention
  3. Eating Less is more
  4. Look for simplicity
  5. Physical, emotional, and mental dimension

1. Express gratitude to the food

Sometimes we forget to give thanks for the food we eat, being part of the miracle of our existence. That´s why I wanted to consider it as the first of the ideas of a balanced diet, as a fundamental principle because in order to keep us alive every living being has to eat food like good food keeps our body alive.

2. Pay attention

Depending on the lifestyle we have and how we relate to ourselves and the food we eat we are going to get different results.

What do I mean by this? Well, when it’s time to eat, try to pay attention to the sacred moment of eating:

“Stand back” give yourself time to prepare the food choosing the ingredients with great love. And I say this because the mental and emotional state that the person has at that specific time of cooking it´s definitely another key ingredient, as this state of mind is going to be transferred to the food.

  • Do the same thing when you ¨start eating¨, and if you don´t have much time due to having to keep working or whatever you have in your life. Allow yourself to stop for lunch by setting aside your computer, your mobile phone, or whatever you are doing.
  • Pay ¨full attention to the food¨ that is being ingested you will help your body to perform better by the assimilation of nutrients. Plus you’ll also be able to perceive the effects that food has on your body and mind, at the same time you may find it easier to analyze which foods feel good and which ones are healthier for you when listening to your body.

3. Eating less is more

Eating less certainly sounds great if you are reading this article, the real thing is when we put it into practice. And the word ¨moderation¨ can become a very versatile word when relating it to food because what it is to eat in moderation for one person, for another may be dying of hunger.

And of course, it’s very relative as it depends also on what each person needs to ingest according to their height, age, weight, constitution, and gender.

Although it’s known that the amount of food we eat at night is not usually the same as what we eat during the day. Hence, it is recommended to make dinner not only light but also at an early hour to avoid saturating the digestive system before going to bed. Because if you think about it for a moment, when you go to sleep it´s the sacred body time for your whole body including our organs to rest and recover for the following day.

Why eating less is more then? because if you overeat all your vital energy or prana will go to the stomach to aid in digest not allowing you to rest. I’m sure you’ve ever eaten more than your body needed and then experienced you felt very tired…

4. Look for simplicity

When we simplify many aspects of our lifestyle, life seems to become easier, even though sometimes to get to that point of simplicity we have to go through complicated situations. The same thing happens with food, a moderate amount of food and simplicity will make it easier for your digestive system giving you much more health and joy. For example, a meal without too many mixtures is better digested.

Why do I say this? because it is easier for our digestive system to recognize the nature of each food when it is not very mixed together so that the suitable gastric juices for each one of them are regressed. The digestive system performs the incredible process of transformation when integrating the food we eat, in part of our bones, muscles, and fluids, including our blood, which is the most powerful common thread that roots us with life…

Therefore, the result of this alchemical process where our blood is made, our emotions, feelings, beliefs, and ultimately our perception of the world are also manufactured.

5. Physical, emotional, and mental dimension

Another point to keep in mind is that the organs that make up the digestive system are located in the middle area of our body. And if you wonder what this means, is that their position already attributes them an extra special quality to them for being alienated, as well as the endocrine glands along with the ¨Central Channel¨, a structure of our energetic body corresponding to interconnecting the different dimensions in the human being.

So remember! that each organ in addition to performing its valuable work within a functional level, it´s synchronized with the rest of the organs and functions, intervenes in the process of self-awareness, and inevitably influences emotions and thoughts from a holistic point of view.

That´s why I would like to give you the reflection that in the end the same energy that is used to digest food, is the same one that gives you the ability to digest the experiences in life. In order to be happier and healthier people with more resources and better life insurance, it starts in the guts, which is our second brain, just like this one depends on your first one.

I hope you enjoyed this article and if you have any questions, you can ask me anytime!

Have an awesome day,

Love always,

Mónica :-))

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